Anyone can be victim to diseases

প্রকাশিত: ৩:৪৮ অপরাহ্ণ, আগস্ট ৯, ২০২০

Anyone can be victim to diseases

By Rafique Ahmedঃঃ

Anyone can be victim to diseases. I would consider drug addiction to be a disease since it has very serious and harmful effects on the body and can lead to death. Addiction is a very serious issue which many people, including young people and teenagers, struggle with today. However, in most cases addiction is treatable and preventable.By reading this article I hope you learn some things about drug addiction you did not know prior to reading this and work towards helping and resolving this.


What are drugs?


Drugs are a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Some drugs are good for the body and help those who need it however other drugs are extremely dangerous and harmful to the body. Certain people are more prone to getting addicted to harmful or even non harmful drugs. Abuses these substances and taking large and unsuggested dosages are extremely damaging to the body and in some cases lethal.


Reasons for taking drugs


There are many reasons why someone may take drugs.


  • Peer pressure: Many people many feel pressured by their peers to take drugs due to the rapid growth of teenage drug use. In 2018 the NHS reported that “the likelihood of having ever taken drugs increased with age, from 9% of 11 year olds to 38% of 15 year olds”.


  • Effects of drugs: Many people take drugs which give feelings of pleasure and relaxation. This can especially be the case when someone is feeling depressed and are using drugs as a form of escapism. Studies have shown people who suffer from depression, the emotional low periods are more likely to become addicted to drugs.
  • Feeling better: Many people use drugs to feel better and deal better with their mental health (e.g. anxiety) or physical health (e.g. helping with pain).


  • Better performance: Many people take drugs in order to do better in whatever field they are struggling on like for example sports players using drugs to enhance their abilities


  • Other: There are many other reasons people take drugs which I have not mentioned.


Impact of drugs


Many people start taking drugs for its positives effects however drugs can quickly take over their lives. Some people may feel the need to keep taking more of the drug resulting in addiction. Results of drug use can be apparent around them like getting trouble in school/work, losing value in important relationships, slipping away from life etc. Drugs also having many physical effects but in most cases mainly it effects the brain and seriously damage certain body parts depending on the drug.


How to protect people and treat drug use?


Treating and preventing drug use is vital in helping and fixing this issue within many communities and help save lives. Drug use can be prevented with prevention programmes, youth groups and educating the youth of the problems with taking drugs. In order to treat drug addiction rehabilitation is important through rehab centres, seeking help from those around you and doctors, therapy, medicines, detoxification and self-help.

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